
Sorrel John Mule “Buddy” Arrives at LGRS

This beautiful older mule “Buddy” has joined the equine ranks today at LGRS. He was delivered by Lawrence over at Glue Factory Renegades earlier this morning (Feb 20, 2021). The team at GFR housed and quarantined Buddy for a few weeks after his health check and Coggins test. He is one of hundreds of animals left over from the sale barn and therefore headed to slaughter via the local kill trucks. This fortunate mule was snatched away with the help fo Lawrence and his friends at Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in Kendalia Texas. They got ahold of us and asked if we could take in another critter and we said yes.


In this first of four videos, Lawrence unloads Buddy in the John Donkey’s pasture. He’s so happy to have some space and to see other animals his size. I tried to halter him in the trailer so I could lead him over to Cowgirl, but he wasn’t having it. So we decided to drive him right into the closest pasture.


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